The Box (Gremlin)
Titre russe : Гремлин
Titre original : Gremlin
Titres alternatifs :
Give It to Someone You Love | Gremlin’s Curse
Film d'horreur – États-Unis d’Amérique
Année de production : 2016
Durée du film : 90 minutes
Réalisateur : Ryan Bellgardt
Livre : Ryan Bellgardt, Josh McKamie, Andy Swanson
Caméra : Josh McKamie
Musique : David Stone Hamilton
The Box
Description du film :
A man receives a mysterious box containing a terrible secret, a creature that will kill everyone else in his family unless he passes it on to someone he loves to continue its never-ending circulation.
Gremlin starts as we meet the Thatcher family, Adam, Julie, Anna, Charlie and grandmother Mary who receive the mysterious box from their Uncle Jim as the family is grieving the loss of their child. When a small creature emerges from the box it starts taking lives, one at a time as Adam must follow the warning of giving it to someone he loves to break the curse put upon his family, but the secrets will come out about what happened to their other child and the personal lives of the family. Can they escape from this curse before it is too late.
Two years after the murder of his 10-year-old son Henry, Adam Thatcher receives a mysterious box from a relative containing a terrible secret, a creature that will brutally kill everyone he cares about one by one. The only way to release himself from the curse is to give the box to someone he loves, continuing the never ending circulation of this ancient evil. As the ominous timer on the box counts down to its end, Adam can only imagine the horrors that await. Does he give the box away to save his family, or face his own demise while unleashing a powerful terror on the rest of humanity? He can’t destroy it. He can’t escape it. He can only give it to someone he loves.
Garçons acteurs
Catcher Stair
(Charlie Thatcher)
Anniversaire : 05.09.2006

L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 9 ans
Christian Bellgardt
(Henry Thatcher, 10 ans)
Plus d’informations
Ce film a été enregistré dans la liste des films par Ralf-S !
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